What is plastic injection moulding?

Plastic injection moulding is the process whereby molten plastic pellets are injected into a mould in order to form a particular part.

The plastic pellets begin in a hopper where gravity forces them into the heating barrel. Inside the heating barrel a combination of pressure and heating elements melt the plastic to the desired temperature. From there the molten plastic is forced into the mould cavity where it cools and solidifies into the shape of the cavity. The mould then opens and the part is ejected out of the mould. This process is then repeated.


Plastic injection moulding process

Plastic injection moulding process

Is injection moulding right for me?

Plastic injection moulding is the perfect solution when you need to replicate a particular plastic part thousands or even millions of times. Plastic injection moulding is a highly efficient and cost saving manufacturing process used in many industries including automotive, pharmaceuticals, mining and more.


How much will it cost me?

 There are 2 main costs involved in injection moulding – the cost of the part and the cost of the mould.

 There are a number of factors which contributes to the cost of the part. These include:

·      The size and weight of the part

·      The complexity of the part

·      The number of cavities a mould has

·      The material the part will be made from

·      The quantity you require

Moulds are precision built engineering tools typically made from steel. Mould prices vary depending on the part complexity and size. For more information on mould prices please do not hesitate to contact us.


Which plastics can APS Plastics mould?

At APS Plastics we mould a wide range of plastics and rubbers from Polypropylene, Polyethylene to engineering plastics such as ABS and Acetyl amongst others.


Plastic injection moulding is for me but I don’t know where to begin. Can you help?

At APS Plastics we offer our clients all the facilities under one roof in order to begin manufacturing. This includes product development, mould design & creation, manufacturing, component assembly and packaging. Our highly skilled team of engineers and technicians are readily available to help you with your manufacturing needs.